The SCFMS is a member of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (AFMS) |
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SCFMS Convention
Our 2025 SCFMS Convention will be hosted by the
AUSTIN Gem and Mineral Society (DGMS)
AUSTIN G&MS is celebrating their 75 year aniversary!
The AUSTIN G&MS Show will be OCTOBER 17-19
at the Palmer Events Center
900 Barton Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78704
Editors and Webmaster Breakfast will be at their clubhouse, 6719 Burnet Ln, Austin, TX 78757
General Meeting will be at clubhouse, 6719 Burnet Ln, Austin, TX 78757
Awards Banquet will be at Nature's Treasures, 11055 N IH-35 Frontage Rd
There will be a shuttle from the clubhouse to the show (save the $20.00 parking)
More details to follow - schedule, forms, etc.